About Us​

Welcome to the Infinishore story​

We could tell you an inspiring origin story of chance and fortune, but, our real story is a little less exciting. Infinishore was founded in China in 2018 to service the Johnson & Johnson consumer Division in APAC, but our story did not end there!

Who Are We​

We are a Marketing communications partner based in China. Our specialist services connect Brand owners with International and Local solutions for Creative, Communication Strategy and Production.

Our Mission​

To build awareness of our Client’s Brand by connecting them to the best talent and production services available across the World. Our Chinese Clients can initiate and create impactful, international Campaigns from China and vice versa.

What We Do

Ideation and Creative services
Project Management​
Versioning / Localisation
Packaging and Prepress

Our 6-D Process​



We take the time to understand our client and their needs. We want to know what makes them great and how they operate.



Our discovery helps us understand and identify the areas of improvement or service we can deliver.



Our initial proposal to deliver value – it may be a process, a creative insight, a visual idea, a technical solution etc.



Working with our Client and partners we refine, optimise, expand and test the design to ensure success.



We build, film, write, code, photograph, record, experience, illustrate, present, train and produce our developed design.



Distribution, automated content, localisation, personalisation with measurement and reporting.

Why Choose Us?​

Infinishore are unique in China. Domestic capability with access to an independent network of the best talent in the World. If you are in China, engage with a local provider to deliver Internationally, if you are outside China create your materials with a familiar process and local efficacy.

Would you like to start a project with us?​

Do not waste time, click on the button or contact us using the number displayed. Find out how we can work together to increase the effectiveness of your budget.